ponedjeljak, 5. veljače 2018.

Zaful review

Zdravo svima!
Danas cu vam pokazati stvari koje sam dobila sa sajta Zaful. Prva stvar koju sam dobila je ovaj džemper. Ja sam oduševljena jer je od izuzetno lijepog materijala i jako je topao.                      
                            Contrasting Pullover Letter Grapgic Sweater - Black


Druga stvar koju sam dobila su ove četkice, jako sam zadovoljna jer su izuzetno kvalitetne i došle su mu sve one koje su potrebne za šminkanje.

                                8Pcs Multifunctional Eye Makeup Brushes Set - Purple

Nadam se da vam se dopadaju stvari koje sam dobila. Do sljedeceg posta veliki pozdrav. 

Broj komentara: 13:

  1. Wow, it looks great <3 I love your new brushes, nice :)


  2. Džemper je odličan! :) :*


  3. Cute sweater!
    Ofcourse I'll follow you. I am now. Please do the same

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  4. I love Zaful, in my opinion is one of the best online brand how to get something new and beautiful with a low budget!

  5. Such lovely products, I simply adore the sweater, very chic and comfortable.
    Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog. I am interested in following each other, I am following you on GFC and google+ I would be very happy if you could follow me back and be great friend bloggers.
    Have a fantastic day!

  6. Your pullover looks great. I follow you - would you follow back?


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